English Language Quiz (Synonyms)- 3-March-2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Thu, 03 Mar 2022 11:41 AM IST

Directions (1-10) : In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word as your answer

Source: English Quiz

(a) suitable
(b) capable
(c) appropriate
(d) enough

(a) to earn
(b) to crave
(c) to regret
(d) to yawn

(a) administer
(b) conveyance
(c) connect
(d) disconnect

(a) blow
(b) curve
(c) bend
(d) wind

(a) eloquent
(b) chatter
(c) talk
(d) specak

(a) interested
(b) hatred
(c) envied
(d) admired

(a) cunning
(b) careful
(c) careless
(d) greedy 

(a) uselessness
(b) insignificance
(c) irrelevance
(d) unimportance

(a) real
(b) genuine
(c) authentic
(d) fake

(a) troublesome
(b) gloomy
(c) difficult
(d) perilous


Ans-1 (d) enough adequate (Adjective) : enough in quantity or good enough in quality.

2. (b) to crave yearn (Verb) : to want something very much; long to have; a very strong desire for something; crave
crave (Verb) : to have a very strong desire for something

3. (b) conveyance transmission (Noun) : transfer; process of sending; the process of taking somebody/something from one place to another.

4. (b) curve meander (Verb) : to curve a lot rather than being in a straight line.

5. (b) chatter (Verb) : to talk quickly and continuously, especially about things that are not important
jabber (Verb) : to talk quickly and in an excited way so that it is difficult to understand what you are saying; gabble
eloquent (Adjective) : able to use language and express your opinions well, especially when you are speaking in public

6. (c) envied jealous (Adjective) : feeling anger or unhappy because you wish you had something that somebody else has; envious.

7. (a) cunning guile (Noun) : the use of clever but dishonest behaviour in order to trick people; deceit

8. (a) uselessness futility (Noun) : having no purpose; pointlessness
insignificance (Noun.) : the fact of not being big/valuable enough to be considered important 

9 (d) fake sham (Adjective) : counterfeit; not genuine but intended to seem real; false.

10. (c) difficult (Adjective) : not easy ; needing effort/skill to do/ to understand
arduous (Adjective) : involving a lot of effort and energy; trouble some
troublesome (Adjective) : causing trouble, pain, etc. over a long period of time ; annoying ; irritating perilous


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