English Language Quiz (Synonyms)- 21-March-2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Mon, 21 Mar 2022 01:11 PM IST

Directions (1-10) : In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

Source: English Quiz

(a) thoughtless
(b) unintentional
(c) insane
(d) unintelligent

(a) insane
(b) rough
(c) infertile
(d) lush

(a) insist
(b) persist
(c) refrain
(d) resist

(a) constant
(b) unknown
(c) biased
(d) fake

(a) expert
(b) specialist
(c) generalist
(d) beginner

(a) chatter
(b) travel
(c) attack
(d) wound

(a) accident
(b) art form
(c) type of medicine
(d) emotional shock

) proceed
(b) satisfy
(c) insert
(d) correct

(a) brilliant
(b) proud
(c) ecstatic
(d) gloomy

) deserted
(b) dejected
(c) rejected
(d) repentant


Ans 1 (b) unintentional (Adjective) : not intentional; not done deliberately but happening by accident
inadvertent (Adjective) : without intention; unintentional
thoughtless (Adjective) : not caring about the possible effects of your words or actions on other people
insane (Adjective) : seriously mentally ill and unable to live in normal society
unintelligent (Adjective) : not intelligent

Ans2. (c) infertile (Adjective) : not able to produce good crops
barren (Adjective) : not good enough for plants to grow on it; infertile
insane (Adjective) : seriously mentally ill and unable to live in normal sociecty
rough (Adjective) : not smooth; violent; not even
lush (Adjective) : growing thickly and strongly in a way that is attractive

Ans 3. (c) refrain (Verb) : to stop yourself from doing something
abstain (Verb) : to decide not to do or have something
insist (Verb) : to demand that something happens or somebody agrees to do something
persist (Verb) : to continue to do something despite difficulties
resist (Verb) : to refuse to accept something and try to stop it from happening; oppose

Ans 4. (d) fake (Adjective) : not genuine; counterfeit
counterfeit (Adjective) : made to look exactly the same
constant (Adjective) : happening all the time; that does not change; fixed
unknown (Adjective) : not known biased (Adjective) : making unfair judgements

Ans 5. (d) beginner (Noun) : a person who is starting to learn something
novice (Noun) : a person who is new and has little experience in a skill, job or situation
expert (Noun) : a person with special knowledge, skill or training
specialist (Noun) : a person who is an expert in a particular area of work or study
generalist (Noun) : a person who has knowledge of several different subjects or activities

Ans 6. (d) wound (Noun) : an injury to the part of the body
blister (Noun) : a swelling on the surface of the skin that is filled with liquid; wound
chatter (Noun) : continuous rapid talk about things that are not important
travel (Noun) : the act of travelling, i.e. going from one place to another
attack (Noun) : an act of using violence to try to hurt or kill somebody

Ans 7. (d) trauma (Noun) : a mental condition caused by severe shock; emotional shock
accident (Noun) : an unpleasant event that happens unexpectedly and causes damage

Ans 8. (d) correct (Verb) : to make something right
rectify (Verb) : to put right something ; correct
proceed (Verb) : to continue doing something that has already been started; go on
satisfy (Verb) : to make somebody pleased by doing or giving him what he wants
insert (Verb) : to put something into something else or between two things

Ans 9. (c) ecstatic (Adjective) : very happy, excited and enthusiastic; delighted
jubilant (Adjective) : feeling or showing great happiness
brilliant (Adjective) : extremely clever or impressive
proud (Adjective) : feeling pleased and satisfied about something you own or have done
gloomy (Adjective) : depressing

Ans10. (b) dejected (Adjective) : unhappy and disappointed; despondent
despondent (Adjective) : sad; without much hope; dejected.
deserted (Adjective) : a place with no people in it; abandoned
rejected (verb) : to refuse to accept or consider something ; to decide not to use
repentant (Adjective) : feeling or showing that you are sorry for something wrong that you have done


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