English Language Quiz (Sentence improvement)- 4-March-2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Fri, 04 Mar 2022 11:08 AM IST

Directions: In the following questions, a part of the sentence is given in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at 1, 2 and 3 which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is required your answer is (4).

Source: English Quiz

1. My foot is paining.
(a) aching
(b) ailing.
(c) hurting
(d) No improvement

2. The light went out while I read,
(a) was reading
(b) am reading
(c) had read
(d) No improvement

3. She said me about her holiday in Kerala.
(a) told about
(b) said about
(c) told me about
(d) No improvement

4. Why do you prefer the theatre than the cinema ?
(a) for
(b) against
(c) to
(d) No improvement

5. He is the only man I know who can laugh at himself.
(a) whose
(b) whom
(c) which
(d) No improvement 

6 All the students have passed out of the final examination.
(a) passed on
(b) passed away
(c) passed
(d) No improvement

7. The greater part of the building has been destroyed.
(a) spoiled
(b) demolished
(c) disturbed
(d) No improvement 

8 This is one of the best novels that have appeared this year.
(a) that
(b) that has
(c) to have
(d) No improvement

9. This course does not have any requirements.
(a) reason
(b) technique
(c) prerequisite
(d) No improvement

10. You are abstained to speak ill of others.
(a) to speaking
(b) from speaking 
(c) to speak to
(d) No improvement


Ans-1 . (a) aching (Verb) : to feel a continuous dull pain ; hurting
paining (Verb) : hurting ; to cause somebody pain or make him unhappy
ailing (verb) : ill/sick and not improving 
She looked after her ailing father. paining is not used in Progressive/Continuous Tenses.
Here, aching is the right usage.

2. (a) Past Continuous Tense-was reading is the right usage.

3. (c) In Indirect Speech,-said (Reporting Verb) changes to told. Hence, told me about is the right usage.

4. (c) to (Inf.) is used after
Prefer (Verb) and not than. (Prep., Conj.) Hence, to (Prep.) is the right usage.

5. (d) No improvement
who (Rel.Pro.) is used for he (Per.Pro) .

6(c) pass out (of something) (Phr.V.) : to leave a military college after finishing a course of training
pass on (to somebody) (Phr.V.) : to give something to somebody else
pass away (Phr.V.) : to
die pass (Verb) : to achieve the required standard in an exam, a test, etc.
Here, passed is the right usage.

7. (b) demolished (Verb) : to pull or knock down a building
The factory will be demolished next year.
destroyed (Verb) : to damage something so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc.
The building was completely destroyed by fire.
Here, demolished is the right usage.

8. (d) No improvement novels (Noun) --> Plural Hence, Plural Verb-have is used.

9. (c) pre-requisite (Noun) : pre-condition ; necessary as a precondition
Competence is prerequisite to promotion.
requirements (Noun) : something that you need or want
Our immediate requirement is extra staff.
Here, pre requisite is the right usage.

10. (b) abstain (Verb) : to keep oneself from doing something It agrees with
from (Prep.) and followed by Gerund (speaking)
Hence, from speaking is the right usage.

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