English Language Quiz (Mis-spelt)- 9-March-2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Wed, 09 Mar 2022 01:28 PM IST

Directions (1-10) : In the following questions, four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.

Source: English Quiz

1. (a) embarassment
(b) embarasment
(c) emmbarrassment
(d) embarrassment

2. (a) perseverence
(b) perseverance
(c) parseverance
(d) persiverance

3. (a) inntelligence
(b) intelegence
(c) intelligence
(d) intellegence

4. (a) afilliate
(b) affilliate
(c) afilaite
(d) affiliate

5. (a) accommodation
(b) accommdation
(c) acommodation
(d) accomodation

6. (a) consentious
(b) conscientious
(c) concientious
(d) conscentious

7. (a) possession
(b) possesian
(c) posseseon
(d) posessian

8. (a) immakulate
(b) immaculate
(c) immaculete
(d) imakulate 

9 (a) misionerry
(b) missionary
(c) misionary
(d) missionnary

10. (a) propellar
(b) propeler
(c) propeller
(d) propelre


Ans -1 . (d) The correctly spelt word is embarrassment

2. (b) The correctly spelt word is perseverance

3. (b) The correctly spelt word is intelligence

4. (d) The correctly spelt word is affiliate 

5 (a) The correctly spelt word is accommodation

6. (b) The correctly spelt word is conscientious

7. (a) The correctly spelt word is possession

8. (b) The correctly spelt word is immaculate

9. (b) The correctly spelt word is missionary

10. (c) The correctly spelt word is propeller

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