English Language Quiz (Error)-03 February 2022

Safalta experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Thu, 03 Feb 2022 06:53 PM IST

Directions (1-10)  : In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is No error, the answer is (4)

Source: English Quiz

1. Two hours have passed (1)/ since (2)/he had fallen asleep. (3)/No error (4).

2. Having broken down (1)/the driver sent the car (2)/to the garage. (3)/No error (4).

3. He is one of those writers (1)/ who has won acclaim (2)/the world over.(3)/No error (4).

4. The mason will not (1)/do the work (2)/except give the order. (3)/No error (4).

5. When students are ill (1)/they find that they have a lot of work (2)/to catch up with when they return. (3)/No error (4).

6. Scarcely did I reach the airport, (1)/nervous and tense, than the plane took off, (2)/leaving me stranded in an alien place. (3)/ No error (4).

7. The power to (1)/distinguish between differences (2)/is the basis of science and art. (3)/No error (4).

8. I have (1)/seen her only once (2)/ but I’m liking her a lot. (3)/No error (4).

9. I told him (1)/that we enjoyed very much (2)/at the party. (3)/ No error (4).

10. John is working very hardly (1)/ as the examinations (2)/are fast approaching. (3)/No error (4).


1. (3) he fell asleep will replace he had fallen asleep because – the structure with since will be as follows : It has been + period of time + since

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Here, Simple Past Tense-fell will be used.
Look at the examples given below :
Two months have passed since I last saw her.
  Verb (Simple Past)
Three years have passed since the last earthquake took place.
Verb (Simple Past)

2. (2) the car was sent by the driver will replace the driver sent the car because – there is a subject mismatch in this sentence. It looks as if the driver was broken down. The sentence can also be like this – l The car having broken down, the driver sent it to the garage.

3. (2) have will replace has because – When one of is followed by a Noun/Pronoun, the Noun/Pronoun is considered as Antecedent and the Verb is used accordingly. Here, writers (Noun) has been used after one of, writers is in Plural, hence, the Verb will also be in Plural.
Look at the example given below :
She is one of those residents who have fought for their membership. Here, residents (Noun) has been used after one of, So, it is the Antecedent of Relative Pronoun-who. It is in plural, hence, the Verb will also be in Plural.
Hence, who have won acclaim is the right usage

4. (3) rather will replace except because – rather : instead of except : only.

Look at the examples given below :

She made students think for themselves rather tell them what to think.
Our dresses were the same except mine it was red. Hence, rather give the order is the right usage

5 (3) recover will replace return because – recover (Verb) : to get well again after being ill/sick/ hurt return (Verb) : to come or go back from one place to another

Look at the examples given below :
I returned from work to find the house empty.
He is still recovering from his operation.
Hence, to catch up when they recover is the right usage

6. (2) when will replace than because. scarcely, hardly, barely are followed by when
Look at the examples given below :
We had scarcely sat down at the table, when the phone rang.
The sentence can also be written like this – Scarcely had we sat down at the table, when the phone rang.
Hence, nervous and tense, when the plane took off is the right usage

7. (2) between differences will not be used because – use of distinguish between differences is superfluous.
Here, distinguish (Verb) itself means to recognise the difference between two people or things; differentiate.
Look at the examples given below :
It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other.
It was hard to find the difference between one twin and the other.

8. (3) I like will replace I'm liking because – like (Verb) is a word used for expressing emotion. It is not used in Progressive/Continuous form.
Look at the examples given below :
I am liking peanuts. (×)
I like peanuts. (correct) Hence, but I’m liking her a lot is the right usage

9. (2) had enjoyed will replace enjoyed because – the basic form in this sentence is as follows : Subject + had + Verb
                                                                                                                                                                we had enjoyed. (Past Participle Form) 

Look at the examples given below :

I had written the letter before you came home.
I wish I had been brave enough. Hence, that we had enjoyed very much is the right usage.

10 (1) hard will replace hardly because – hardly (Adv.) : almost no/not/none but hard (Adj.) : needing/using effort.
Look at the examples given below :
It is a hard shovelling snow.
There is hardly any tea left.
Hence, John is working very hard is the right usage.

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