English Language Quiz (Antonym)-01 February 2022

Safalta experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Tue, 01 Feb 2022 11:51 PM IST

Directions (1-10) : In these questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the word given in bold.

(A) amuse
(B) welcome
(C) entertain
(D) host

(A) scarce
(B) slim
(C) sparse
(D) lean


(A) prodigious

(B) selfless

(C) extravagant

(D) ostentatious


(A) restore

(B) liberate

(C) exonerate

(D) distract


(A) strife

(B) annoyance

(C) cruelty

(D) mischief


(A) dispute

(B) irritation

(C) separation

(D) confrontation


(A) truth

(B) fact

(C) falsehood

(D) story


(A) pleasingly

(B) willingly

(C) satisfactorily

(D) happily


(A) instruct

(B) induct

(C) conduct

(D) mend


(A) rejoice

(B) rejuvenate

(C) complain

(D) cry


1. (B) welcome (Verb) : to say hello to somebody in a friendly way when he arrives.
ostracise (Verb) : to refuse to let somebody be a member of a social group ; stern
amuse (Verb) : to make somebody laugh or smile
entertain (Verb) : to invite people to eat and drink with you as your guests.
host (Verb) : to organize an event to which others are invited and make all arrangements for them.

2. (C) sparse (Adjective) : only present in small amounts or numbers and often spread over a large area

dense (Adjective) : thick ; containing a lot of people, things, plants, etc.
scarce (Adjective) : available only in small quantities
slim (Adjective) : thin and attractive
lean (Adjective) : thin and fit

3. (C) extravagant (Adjective) : spending a lot more money than is necessary
parsimonious (Adjective) : extremely unwilling to spend money ; mean
prodigious (Adjective) : very large or powerful ; colossal ; enormous
selfless (Adjective) : thinking more about the needs, happiness, etc. of other people than about your own
ostentatious (Adjective) : expensive or noticeable in a way that is intended to impress people ; showy

4. (B) liberate (Verb) : to free a country or a person
fetter (Verb ) : to restrict somebody’s freedom ; shackle
restore (Verb) : to bring back to a former condition, place or position
exonerate (Verb) : to officially state that somebody is not responsible for something that he has been blamed for
distract (Verb) : divert ; to take somebody’s attention away from what he is trying to do

5. (A) strife (Noun) : angry or violent disagreement ; conflict
harmony (Noun) : a state of peaceful existence and agreement
annoyance (Noun) : the feeling of being slightly angry ; irritation
cruelty (Noun) : behaviour that causes pain or suffering to others
mischief (Noun) : bad behaviour that is annoying

6. (D) confrontation (Noun) : a situation in which there is angry disagreement
conciliation (Noun) : the act of pacifying ; the act of making somebody less angry or more friendly
dispute (Noun) : an argument or a disagreement irritation (Noun) : the act of annoying somebody
separation (Noun) : the act of separating people or things

7. (B) fact (Noun) : a situation that exists
myth (Noun) : something that many people believe but that does not exist or is false ; fallacy
truth (Noun) : the true facts about something
falsehood (Noun) : the state of not being true
story (Noun) : a description of events and people that the writer or speaker has invented in order to entertain people

8. (B) willingly (Adverb) : doing/ saying something in a willing manner
reluctantly (Adverb) : doing/ saying something hesitatingly/not willingly
pleasingly (Adverb) : doing/ saying something happily or with pleasure or satisfaction
satisfactorily (Adverb) : doing something in a satisfactory manner
happily (Adverb) : in a cheerful way

9. (D) mend (Verb ) : to repair something that has been damaged or broken
mutilate (Verb) : to damage somebody’s body very severely
instruct (Verb) : to tell somebody to do something in a formal or an official way 
induct (Verb) : to formally give somebody a job or position of authority
conduct (Verb) : to organise as a particular activity

10. (A) rejoice (Verb) : to express great happiness
lament (Verb) : to feel or express great sadness or disappointment
rejuvenate (Verb) : to make somebody or something look or feel younger or more lively
complain (Verb) : to say that you are annoyed, unhappy or not satisfied
cry (Verb) : to yell loudly

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